How can I improve recovery yields?
All of the protocols are designed to maximize yields for their respective kits.
The following tips are recommended:
A. Always use appropriate volume of buffer to sample. In general, using too little buffer can decrease yields.
B. Increase elution volumes. The minimum elution volumes for some of our kits (6ul for PCR Purification System, 35ul for Genomic DNA System) are designed to efficiently elute the purified product. Using higher volumes may increase total yields by up to 10%.
C. Pipette water or elution solution directly onto the column matrix. The BenevBio NucleoPur columns are designed to minimize any residual retention in the column, however pipetting directly onto the column matrix enables the water/elution solution to start releasing the purified product.
The following tips are recommended:
A. Always use appropriate volume of buffer to sample. In general, using too little buffer can decrease yields.
B. Increase elution volumes. The minimum elution volumes for some of our kits (6ul for PCR Purification System, 35ul for Genomic DNA System) are designed to efficiently elute the purified product. Using higher volumes may increase total yields by up to 10%.
C. Pipette water or elution solution directly onto the column matrix. The BenevBio NucleoPur columns are designed to minimize any residual retention in the column, however pipetting directly onto the column matrix enables the water/elution solution to start releasing the purified product.